EMC Radiation measurements

Our new and completely overhauled HF welding machines are delivered according to the applicable EC standards with corresponding EC user documentation, including full machine protection.

Our new and completely overhauled HF welding machines are delivered according to the applicable EC standards with corresponding EC user documentation, including full machine covers.

These HF welding machines feature full EMC protection and meet the applicable standards regarding electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).
In those standards the strengths of electromagnetic field to which the human body should be exposed are established (exposure levels).

These standards also apply to industrial high frequency equipment and machines. Modern, well-maintained HF welding machines can comply with these standards.

We advise our customers, as users of industrial HF welding machines, to therefore let us conduct radiation measurements at least once a year, to check that the relevant employee(s) was not exposed to high radiation levels.


These radiation measurements can, for example, be combined well with the yearly preventive maintenance checks.

For the protection of your employees and fort he condition of your machine, enable radiation measurements be done conducted annually.